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Access essential information for free to simplify your life away from home. Videos, conversations and day to day sharing about life away from home.
Paperwork Help
Get ready to say goodbye to your overwhelming workload and paperwork! While we cannot avoid paperwork, we have the perfect solution for you - a personalized task manager designed specifically for expats. With this simple system, you'll have everything you need to confidently tackle visa applications, medical history, and more.
Say hello to a stress-free life!
Relocation Assistance
Practical help video calls that offer guidance on how to plan your relocation, think about your finances, how to tackle paperwork, how to pack your house efficiently, what to bring and what to not bring, how to dispose of everything that's not traveling with you and how to prepare your future home. Let's take the stress out of your move and ensure a smooth transition to your new life.
The Story behind Expat Super
Hi! I'm Sofia and I'm so glad you’re here!
I was born and raised in Mexico and I've been an expat for 19 years (omg, officially more than half my life!). From dreamy Italy to learn Jewelry all the way to seeing my work on the glitz of global Red Carpets or worn by a British Royal Bride on her wedding! All of it I solely achieved but not without the struggles...
Today, after so many years of challenges and triumphs, I find myself happily in the south of the Pacific Ocean as a mom, partner, but mostly, as a sensitive human who now knows what being away from home feels like! And I cant wait to share all of my tips and hacks with you to help you simplify your life away from home!
Now, jewelry, traveling, royal weddings, Paris and Italy may sound wonderful but let me tell you: the journey has not been easy at all! The challenges of the expat life hit hard and it wasn't connections nor family money that kept me going around the world, I am just an ordinary person who worked very hard. But after so many challenges (and they're still coming!) I've finally decoded effective strategies to make this expat life a little bit easier, more pleasant. And I've decided to dedicate my life to help YOU achieve your dreams too. How? by simplifying all of what's simplifiable: the expat-hustle.
Call it paperwork, money thinking, medical journey, moving houses, choosing school...
I want you to actually ENJOY your life away from home! ​

My dream is to advocate for immigrants in this world, so that everyone can recognize and value the super powers within us: the same ones that led us to become and still be, expats.​ I am committed to empowering immigrants to thrive in their journey, I'm still figuring out all the hows, after all I'm only a jewelry designer but until then, I can't wait to share my 19 years expat knowledge and experiences with you.
Curious to know all the adventures and how to turn challenges into triumphs?
Let's be Powerful Expats Together!
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The big reveal is just around the corner!
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Oh and no intensive mailing coming, I commit to that!